Real Estate Assistant

Real Estate Assistant

A competent real estate assistant providing support in property management, transactions, and client services.

How many more deals could you close if you clone yourself?

It’s no secret that most real estate agents feel that they’re stretched to the max. The truth is, you shouldn’t have to work 60 hours a week to run a successful business. If you’re looking to be a top producing agent without the stress of wearing all of the hats, then it’s time you look into hiring a real estate virtual assistant.

But how do you know where to start, what kind of VA a you need, and if it’s even worth the time and money to try? Here’s everything you need to know about hiring your own assistant.   

Hire a Real Estate Assistant


Benefits of having a virtual assistant for real estate   

When REA’s start to look for an assistant, the first question is “should I hire locally or virtually?” The answer is it depends, but more often than not, you’ll find that the benefits are far superior when hiring virtually. Here are just a few of the benefits:  

  • Delegation and execution of skill-specific tasks 
  • More free time
  • Continued growth of online leads 
  • Up-to-date administrative tasks
  • Cost savings 
  • Larger pool of talent for hire 
  • Flexibility 
  • Liability reduction 


How to utilize areal estate assistant 

One of the best ways to make the most of having your real estate assistant is by creating processes. Once you have a procedure in place for all of your mundane and routine tasks, then you can trust that your assistant will be able to follow the system step-by-step.  

No, it’s not more cost effective to “just do it myself.” If you can create a repeatable process, then your assistant will be able to handle the rest. This way, you get more free time, but the work is still getting done.  

Consider this: if you weren’t spending your time scheduling meetings, doing paperwork, or updating listings, then what could you gain?  


More client interaction?
More follow-ups with potential clients?
More closing deals?


If you can create these processes and systems, then you’ll have a better idea of what an assistant can do for you. Just know that VAs are capable of more than just basic admin task delegation. Here are some other tasks that you can offload:


What tasks to assign to real estate virtual assistants: 


Marketing is crucial for your business, but it can also be very time consuming. Since social media is more popular today than ever before, it means that marketing to your potential clients is not limited to local interaction. VA’s can help you with marketing tasks such as:  

  • Updating your website & SEO  
  • Writing and scheduling emails 
  • Writing and scheduling blog posts
  • Graphic design for digital and print marketing materials 
  • Create buyer’s packets and PowerPoints 
  • Research content marketing ideas and strategies 
  • Post to your social media channels  
  • Track marketing analytics 



Basic operations and admin tasks are what virtual assistants are typically known for. Your assistant can help your business run smoothly by managing your basic daily operations, especially if you hire a real estate assistant. Some of these tasks might include:  

  • Data entry and learning your current software (MLS, CRM, etc.)  
  • Collecting reviews and feedback from clients
  • Bookkeeping 
  • Preparing reports (sales, performance, etc.) 
  • Scheduling showings
  • Listing presentations 
  • Recruiting and onboarding



Even with your assistant working remotely, they can still help you improve your sales process. Some sales tasks that you can delegate include:  

  • Buyer and seller lead research 
  • Updating CRM/Cold calling
  • Lead follow ups
  • Setting appointments 

You can also choose an assistant that specializes as a virtual real estate transaction coordinator. As a transaction coordinator, they can also review contracts and legal documents between buyers, sellers, and other parties. Some other tasks might include paperwork filing, such as escrow filing, and monitoring the entire sales process.  



The most well-known tasks that are given to your standard virtual assistants are administrative. This might be the first of your responsibilities to delegate. Dishing out these tasks alone will free up your time: 

  • Email management 
  • Meeting scheduling
  • Answering phone calls
  • Calendar management
  • Personal administrative tasks  


Hire your own virtual real estate virtual assistant 

If you’re ready to offload some of your responsibility and have more time to focus on tasks that only you can do, then it’s time to hire yourself an assistant. Cadre Crew will interview and carefully select the perfect assistant for you based on your needs. Click the button below to get your assistant in less than 72 hours.

Discover the power of Virtual Assistance Services! Call us at (561) 783-8110 for a free consultation.
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